IMG_3164 Klein

Marie’s Potato Gratin

Buttery, cheesy, tender and perfectly crisp at the top

When my parents and I moved from Paris to Geneva, I met a girl, Ines, who quickly became my best friend. My parents were traveling a lot at the time and instead of going to boarding school, I would spend weeks at a time at her house. Her mother, Marie was an amazing cook and my childhood is colored with memories of her cooking. When she knew I would be staying at their house she would make sure the fridge was filled with fresh market products. It was at her house that I tried burrata or persimmon for the first time.

Food would rarely last more than a couple of days. My appetite being particularly gargantuan, I would gorge on the content of the fridge, closely followed by Ines, who, in fear of seeing the delicacies disappear, would end up feasting with me. Our food marathon would often result in a lot of bellyaches, many joys and sometimes tears (like the time Ines hid goats cheese and golden kiwis to make sure I wouldn’t finish them.)

One of the dishes Marie made that I loved the most was potato gratin. I had almost forgotten about it until a month ago: I went to eat at her house and she prepared it for me again. It brought back all kinds of memories. The high ratio of cheese plays a big part in the deliciousness of this dish. It is buttery, cheesy, tender and perfectly crisp at the top. It really hits every spot. Thank you Marie for letting me steal this.

Bon Appétit! Highly Caloric

P.S. Good ingredients and good quality make good gratin.

Soly and Ines

"The high ratio of cheese plays a big part in the deliciousness of this dish."


  • 1kg of bintje potatoes (the ones for puree)
  • 400g of gruyere, grated
  • 200g of gruyere cream
  • Nutmeg (for taste)
  • 40g of melted butter
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed
  • Salt and pepper
  • Preheat the the oven to 200C.
  • Coat one big oven dish with butter.
  • Peel the potatoes and cut them in thin slices.
  • Put them in a big bowl.
  • Mix in by hand most of the cheese, the cream, nutmeg, garlic, salt, pepper and the remaining butter.
  • Let rest for 15-20'.
  • Pour the mixture in the dish and put in the oven.
  • After an hour, check with a knife if it is cooked through, if necessary leave to cook for another 20-30'.
  • Wait 5' minutes before removing the gratin from the oven, add another layer of grated cheese.


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